
Difference Between Food Intolerances & Food Allergies

Difference Between Food Intolerances & Food Allergies

As you introduce more foods to your baby’s diet, you may notice that some don’t agree with their tummy or they may even have a serious reaction to certain foods. Let’s explore the differences between a food intolerance and food allergy and some signs to look for if bub is reacting to certain foods. Food Intolerance Food intolerance means the body is having trouble digesting certain foods or the digestive system is irritated by a particular food group. A few symptoms that may indicate an intolerance are vomiting, diarrhoea, bloating, gas, cramps, belly pain, irritability and mouth ulcers. It’s important...

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Why Bone Broth Is Beneficial For Babies

Why Bone Broth Is Beneficial For Babies

Bone broth has been used in cooking for many years as a flavour-filled base, but what are the benefits of eating it? In this blog, we’ll explore what makes bone broth beneficial for babies and how to incorporate it into their diet. Hair, Skin, Nails and Joints  Bone broth contains Gelatin and Hyaluronic Acid, which are great for a number of reasons. Gelatin helps to nourish your baby’s hair and nails, while also supporting healthy digestion. Hyaluronic Acid helps to form collagen cushioning in our joints, as well as promotes hydration throughout the body. Easy Absorbtion Due to how well...

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Can't Seem To Keep Baby Happy In The High Chair? Try These Ideas!

Can't Seem To Keep Baby Happy In The High Chair? Try These Ideas!

Parenting can be the most beautiful and challenging part of life. When your child is growing up, they often get fidgety, and it can be difficult to sit down at a table to eat with them. Most babies don't sit in the high chair for more than 10 minutes, which can be a problem, especially if you like to eat out often. But all's not lost.  Here are some tips for stretching that precious time in the high chair. Make Sure The Baby's Safe & Comfortable A child is sent to the emergency room every 43 minutes due to toppling...

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Why Does Your Toddler Fear New Food?

Why Does Your Toddler Fear New Food?

There will come a time when you would want to introduce them to fruits, vegetables, and other food items. This article explores why children reject food and how you can help them accept new flavours.

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